Blog Roll

For information on how to get the most out of your journey with experiencing chocolate in Australia, the blogs on this page.

Melba’s Chocolates and Confectionery –

Melba’s Chocolates is a working chocolate factory located in Adelaide Hills. The blog provides details on the chocolate industry in Australia, fun facts, and details on their chocolates and recipes. The blog was created in 2011 and posted a minimum of one article per month.

Cocoa Box Chocolate Blog –

Cocoa Box is still a relatively new blog on the block but has gathered quite a following of connoisseurs wanting to learn more about recipes and Australian chocolate varieties. There you can even find news, trends, interviews, and more on chocolate in Australia. They strive to educate the community on craft chocolate and believe in supporting chocolate makers as well as cocoa farmers.

Peak Chocolate Blog –

Peak Chocolate Bog covers all the basics of chocolates and their health benefits (especially the health benefits of dark chocolate). They believe in being the first manufacturer of high-performance chocolate. They are well known for providing detailed articles on the benefits of chocolate as well as giving nutritional facts.

Choco Gram Blog

Choco Gram Blog aims to inspire with great ideas and information on trends ds in the chocolate industry. They also have an online shop with handmade, personalized chocolates and chocolate gifts for Aussies to purchase. The blog was created in 2019, and they release frequent updates and new articles for chocolatiers and chocolate lovers to stay up to date.

ChocolateSuze Blogs –

ChocolateSuze is a blog about chocolate, food, and lifestyle. For reviews on chocolate in Australia, visit her blog for helpful information on chocolate in different regions of Australia. The blog was established in 20021 and provides frequent updates on food and chocolate recipes, product evaluations, and more.

The blogs on this page are all dedicated to the Australian chocolate market and where to purchase locally made chocolates.